SHOWOFF Canopy Returning Featured Artist: Ed Obermeyer

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SHOWOFF Canopy Returning Featured Artist: Ed Obermeyer

"Over time my art began including surf photography from the water while swimming in the frigid Mid-Atlantic ocean all year. My original paintings are all based on this personal experience and I now sell the photography as well as paintings that describe what I have been seeing in the water. As an art teacher, active waterman, and artist, the purpose of my artwork is to share with others, my diverse experiences with nature and cultures I have encountered throughout my travels."

"The tools of this creative process are an important and unique way of creating a painting. I use very long liner, scroller, and pin stripe brushes to create my works of art with my own marking system of patterns. I like to give the impression of realism from a distance, but when viewed up close, you can see the abstract patterns that make up the subject matter. I enjoy creating a complicated yet fanciful patterned surface that evokes an emotional response in the viewer."

obermeyer surfer

"Much like my painting, my photography of ocean waves and surfers is from a very unique angle, while treading water well over my head, with no board or flotation device, all year in virtually every temperature range."

"I have a variety of Aquatech Reflex housings and ports along with several Canon 5D Mark IV cameras and lenses. I swim 50-100 yards offshore almost every day there are waves and try to capture the light, intensity and emotion of the ocean waves and surfers at every opportunity. My prints are done in my studio on my wide format Epson printer and metal prints are ordered using the finest materials and standards available. All my photographs are in editions of 200."

"You can see more of my work on"

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